Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Scenes from the Porsche Museum - Szenen aus dem Porsche Museum

Happened to be near the Porsche Museum in Zuffenhausen, Germany and took the opportunity to have a look at the exhibition. Entry fee is very reasonable, however, transportation costs vary depending on your home port :-). In any case, I can heartily recommend a photo session there: Bright lighting, interesting architecture, photography allowed and no guard bands messing up your motive.

All pictures taken with my Lumia 640, so sorry if you expected more, but sometimes the camera you have with you is the best.
So have fun with a pig, a frog and lots of old cars :-)
War in der Nähe des Porsche Museum in Zuffenhausen und packte die Gelegenheit beim Schopf da mal reinzuschauen. Der Eintrittspreis ist sehr vernünftig, allerdings ist die Anreise natürlich unterschiedlich aufwendig je nachdem wo man seinen Heimathafen hat :-). In jedem Fall kann ich einen Fotografierausflug dorthin empfehlen: Gute Beleuchtung, interessante Architektur, Fotografieren erlaubt und keine lästigen Absperrbänder die den Blick aufs Motiv versauen würden.

Alle Bilder mit meinem Lumia 640 gemacht, also tut mir leid falls hier jemand mehr erwartet hat. Manchmal ist die Kamera welche man dabei hat, die beste.
Also viel Spaß mit einem Schwein, einem Frosch und vielen alten Autos.

Talk about a impressive behind: Porsche 917 Kurzheck
Starting with the roots: All-aluminium body
Probably unkown to many. Ferdinand Porsche worked for Austro Daimler, here the Bergmeister
Click for more info
A younger classic: 356/2 Coupe 1948 1.1l 40 hp 140 km/h

The predecessor to James Dean's first car: 356 America Roadster 1953
Click for more info

Slightly younger: 356 A 1500 GS Carrera Speedster. 100 hp, 200 km/h.

1964: Plastic-bodied 904 Carrera GTS: 2L 200hp 210 km/h

Has a slight Ferrari touch
Straight from Le Mans: 917 Kurzheck
Today it is hard to believe that this uncontrolled arms race with ever larger engines and faster cars went on for so long.
And now ...... the PIG! Each section labelled as your local butcher would. 1971, 4.9l 600hp 350 km/h
And Kermit the FROG!. Those were the days of bright colors and energy crisis. 1976 924 2l 125hp 200km/h
See ya....